Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Things McCain's Advisors Have Lobbied For

The Huffington Post is reporting today that the lobbyist John McCain tapped to head his transition team once lobbied for Saddam Hussein, and two of his associates were either convicted or plead guilty to acting as unregistered agents on behalf of the Iraqi regime.

No, seriously.

Lucky for the readers of How Insane is John McCain, I've compiled an exclusive list of the entities John McCain's lobbyists/advisors/campaign staff have lobbied for:

- goats
- Hello Kitty
- yacht clubs
- the company that makes the sound that plays during Emergency Broadcast Alerts
- foot fetishists
- Liechtenstein
- rednecks
- Fred Armisen
- The Bee Gees
- talking chihuahuas
- hall monitors
- conformity
- saxophonists
- people who say "I'm not racist, but..." and then say something racist
- sunburns
- high fructose corn syrup
- heliocentrists
- table manners
- assholes
- themselves